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jet black adj.烏黑發亮的,黑玉色的。

jet blower

Motownphilly s back again doin a little east coast fling boyz ii men going off not too hard , not too soft it s long overdue but now philly is slammin boyz ii men , abc , bbd the east coast family never skipped a beat , na while cooling on south street jet black benz , plenty of friends and all the philly steaks you could eat back in school we used to dream about this everyday could it really happen 分與合都不用驚怕有一夢便造多一夢直到死別都不覺任何陣痛趁沖動能換到感動這愉快黑洞蘇醒以后誰亦會撲空(這幻覺不去用蘇醒以后難道你會哭出笑容)當嚎哭和槍聲是夢中的歌聲你共我這一場夢里的暢泳

Nie was dressed with elegant simplicity in a figured white silk dress , and a white rose half concealed in her jet black hair was her only ornament , unaccompanied by a single jewel 她唯一的裝飾品是一朵半插在她那烏玉般黑的頭發里的白玫瑰,并無任何一顆珠寶。

From the d - min of pure white highlights through the d - max of jet black shadows , a wider density range than ever before 從描繪純白的高光的d - min到表現漆黑的陰影的d - max ,實現了前所未有的寬廣濃度再現域。

Attractive matrix green display - the interface is very simple to use , and has a bright green display over a jet black background 有吸引力的矩形綠色顯示這個界面簡單易用,在漆黑的背景上用亮綠色顯示。

Compared to americans , i would say all chinese have similar traits or facial features with their jet black hair and eyes 所有的中國人在他們的黑頭發和黑眼睛下,也有和美國人一樣的特征和表情。

Although i knew , the jet black night is unable mine aspiration to pass on very much far 盡管我知道,漆黑的夜無法將我的心聲傳得很遠。

He is also very handsome with his blue eyes and jet black ( or blonde ) hair 他非常英俊有著一對藍色的眼睛和棕黑色(或金色)頭發。

Process of sliver plating with jet black 深黑古銀工藝

Oh , yes , these pants were jet black 噢,是的,這褲子是黑色的